Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

I love this day!  What a great day to drink, be crazy, and listen to irish music!!  Hope everyone had a fun day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Etsy Love- Miju and You

I'm loving these laser-cut wooden necklaces by Miju and You.  I don't know if it's because I just came back from out west but all this navajo themed jewelry is really catching my eye.  Check out more styles on their etsy page.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

South Beach

It's no secret that I LOVE south beach, can you blame me?  I wanna go again so bad!
image from bleachblack

Holy Cuteness!

These pictures on the Elements of Style blog just made me smile!  So cute!  Check out the full post here.

how cute are these??? seriously???

Words To Live By

It's just that easy!


Sorry I haven't been posting lately.  Jeff and I went to his trade show out in Salt Lake City and then took a mini vacation after it.  We flew to Phoenix when it was over and then drove to Sedona, AZ.  We checked out the Grand Canyon, which was absolutely breath-taking.  I still can't get over it.  I feel like everyone should see it at least once in their lifetime.  Sedona was also soooo BEAUTIFUL and peaceful.  I am so glad we stayed there and we both would definitely like to go back.  I plan on posting a bunch of pictures to re-cap the trip...those will be coming soon in another post.

P.S.  I am really going to try to step it up and try to do at least one post per day from here on out...we'll see!